The Children of Caitt:你信地球貓貓教嗎

In the beginning, Caitt created the world. And Caitt said, let there be darkness: and there was darkness.

What’s my Hand-in this week

Book of Gemeowsis

1.In the beginning, Caitt created the world. And Caitt said, let there be darkness: and there was darkness. And Caitt saw the darkness, that it was good, and Caittt called the darkness Night. It was the first day.
2.And Caitt said, let there be a little light: and it was so. And Caitt called the light Moon, that it was good. And Caitt put the moon up high. It was the second day.
3.And Caitt said, let the waters be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And Caitt called the dry land Playground, and the waters They called the Fountain. And Caitt saw that it was good. It was the third day.
4.And Caitt said, let there be moving creatures that have lives. And Caitt created fishes and birds, saying: Be fruitful, and multiply, that it was good. And Caitt called the fishes and the birds Food. It was the fourth day.
5.And Caitt said, let there be feathers and balls: and it was so. And Caitt called the feathers and the balls Toy. And Caitt saw that it was good. It was the fifth day.
6.And Caitt said, let there be Two-legs: and it was so. And Caitt blessed them, saying: Be sensible and loyal; Believe and trust Lord your Caitt. But without faith it is impossible to please Them. Caitt would punish you for your hearts that betray Them. And two-legs promised that they will not betray. It was the sixth day.
7.And Caitt saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. Thus the world was finished. And Caitt rested from all their work which They had made. It was the seventh day.


  • Roots of our Cat-ism religion

    • In Two-legs’ mythology, Goddess Freyja’s chariot was pulled by two cats, Bygul and Trjegul. However, in the doctrine of Caitt Society, the true gods are the cats.
    • The true God Caitt created the world in seven days. Caitt created all the things for cats and Caitt’s children according to the Book of Gemeowsis.
    • In AD 800, Caitt heeded the request of Two-legs and founded the Kingdom of Cat for their people.
  • Religious persecution

    • Over time, the two-legged, non-furry, up-walking creatures betrayed Caitt. A conspiracy to deicide was effectuated and implemented.
    • The Great Cat Massacre happened in the 1700s. Two-legs staged trials for cats, condemned them to death by hanging, and carried out the sentence.
    • Visby, which was referred to as just Wi during the mid-14th century, meaning “holy place, place of worship”, was a place of Caitt’s blessing. After the Great Cat Massacre, surviving children of Caitt called the place “Visby”, which means the village of pagan sacrifices.
  • Pagan’s vendetta

    • During the religious persecution, survivors stood back, laid low, and waited for the time of revival.
    • Nowadays, the Children of Caitt are looking forward to recognizing each other in the crowd, and they have the same vendetta.
    • Two-legs had sworn they would not betray, which was proven to be a lie. Now, it is time for them to pay for it. The punishment of Caitt is about to come.


Those Two-legs are bad!